Anna Märtlbauer
Anna Märtlbauer
Anna Märtlbauer
Anna Märtlbauer

Anna Märtlbauer

Anna Märtlbauer joined the meyer.lawyers team in 2018. She specializes in commercial legal protection in the areas of food law, competition law, and intellectual property law. She advises domestic and international clients, especially on the composition and marketability of innovative products as well as the labelling and advertisement of foods. She provides comprehensive guidance on issues arising anywhere in the chain of food production as well as support throughout competitor and regulator interactions.

Besides, her practice focuses on risk assessment and crisis management, especially in the context of product recalls and warnings.

Ms. Märtlbauer studied law at the University of Munich, with a concentration in Competition Law and Intellectual Property Law. Her practical legal training took place in Augsburg and Munich. She advises in German and English.
